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Is It Normal To Feel Exhaustion After a Car Accident?

A common yet oft-overlooked response to trauma is a profound feeling of exhaustion after a car accident. When one thinks of a car accident, images of mangled metal, shattered glass, and blaring sirens may spring to mind. While physical injuries are undeniably significant, the silent aftermath—the emotional and psychological toll—is equally paramount.

After your recent ordeal, you’ll need all the assistance you can get to heal and return to your life and routine. Being aware of the possibility of exhaustion after a car accident and knowing what steps to take could be vital to your physical and mental health. Meanwhile, a car accident attorney can aid you in pursuing the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.

Call Colling Gilbert Wright today at (407) 712-7300 for a FREE case evaluation. You don’t have to suffer alone. We can guide you in pursuing just compensation, remaining by your side every step of the way. We are proud to serve our neighbors in Orlando and throughout Florida.

What is Exhaustion After a Car Accident?

Exhaustion in this context isn’t merely about feeling tired after a long day; it’s a culmination of physical, emotional, and mental fatigue. While everyone’s response to trauma varies, exhaustion can be pervasive, affecting all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional duties.

Causes of Exhaustion

Experiencing exhaustion after a car accident is more common than one might think. It’s not just the visible wounds that weigh heavily; the unseen strains are often the most profound. Possible causes of exhaustion following a car accident are:

  • Physical Trauma: Even minor collisions can cause jarring effects on the body, leading to muscle strain and soft tissue injuries. The body, in its healing process, can redirect energy, causing fatigue.
  • Emotional Stress: Dealing with the aftermath of an accident—insurance claims, car repairs, medical visits—can be overwhelming. This emotional strain can manifest as physical tiredness.
  • Mental Toll: Replaying the accident in one’s mind or dealing with the fear of driving again can lead to insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, amplifying feelings of exhaustion.

Car Accident Symptoms

While bruises, cuts, or fractures might be immediate and visible signs of an accident, many symptoms take time to manifest. Aside from exhaustion, victims might experience:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Flashbacks or nightmares
  • Cognitive changes such as memory issues
  • Mood swings

Recognizing these car accident symptoms is crucial. They signify deeper underlying issues that need addressing.

Read More: What Symptoms Should I Look for After a Car Accident?

Sleep Patterns & Traumatic Brain Injury

Among the myriad of symptoms one might experience following a car accident, changes in sleep patterns stand out as particularly concerning. Altered sleep habits might not just be a result of the general exhaustion after a car accident; they can also be a telling sign of a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Traumatic brain injuries, especially mild ones, can often be overlooked initially, as they might not present with immediately obvious symptoms. Instead, a victim may notice subtle changes in behavior, cognition, or physical abilities. One of the most common yet frequently dismissed symptoms is a change in sleep patterns. This can manifest in several ways:

  • Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep despite feeling physically and mentally drained.
  • Hypersomnia: Feeling excessively sleepy during the day or sleeping for longer durations than usual at night.
  • Interrupted Sleep: Waking up frequently during the night or experiencing restless sleep.
  • Narcoleptic Symptoms: Falling asleep suddenly and without warning during the day.

The brain plays an essential role in regulating our sleep cycles. When it suffers trauma, its ability to maintain these rhythms can be disrupted. According to an article in the Nature and Science of Sleep, “after a mild TBI, 29% of patients have insomnia, 25% have sleep apnea, 28% have hypersomnia, and 4% have narcolepsy.” Furthermore, TBI can lead to other issues like chronic headaches, anxiety, or depression, all of which can further exacerbate sleep problems.

If you, or someone you know, have been involved in a car accident and are experiencing unusual sleep patterns or other car accident symptoms, it’s paramount to seek medical attention immediately. It’s equally vital to understand that you have rights, especially if your injury resulted from someone else’s negligence.

Remember, while sleep disturbances might seem minor, they could indicate a deeper, underlying issue. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Then, consult with the dedicated team at Colling Gilbert Wright. We can ensure that your legal rights are prioritized as well.

What Should You Do If Feeling Exhausted After a Car Accident?

If you’ve recently been in a car accident and are feeling exhausted, it very well could be your body and mind adjusting to the trauma. However, your health is your priority. You’ll want to ensure that nothing more serious is looming. After a car accident, we recommend you:

  • Get Medical Attention: Always seek a thorough examination post-accident. Even if you feel okay, some injuries, especially those causing exhaustion, may not be immediately evident.
  • Rest & Recuperate: Listen to your body. If you’re feeling exhausted, it’s signaling a need for recovery.
  • Consider Counseling: Traumatic events can have lasting psychological effects. Speaking with a counselor or therapist can offer coping strategies.
  • Document Everything: If you’re experiencing fatigue or other symptoms, keep a journal. This can be invaluable when discussing your situation with medical professionals or lawyers.

Why Should You Speak to a Lawyer?

Exhaustion and other post-accident symptoms can affect your quality of life. You might be entitled to compensation if another party’s negligence caused the accident. Damages could cover:

By consulting with a car accident lawyer, like the dedicated team at Colling Gilbert Wright, you ensure that your rights are protected and that you pursue all avenues for rightful compensation. Our commitment to justice and appreciation of what you’re going through mean you get the supportive representation you deserve.

Read More: How Do I Know If I Have a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Contact the Car Accident Attorneys at Colling Gilbert Wright

Feeling exhaustion after a car accident is, unfortunately, a common occurrence. Recognizing the signs, seeking timely intervention, and having the skilled attorneys of Colling Gilbert Wright by your side ensures that you navigate this challenging time with strength and dignity.

Contact Colling Gilbert Wright today for a FREE case evaluation. You are not alone. We would be honored to walk the path to justice with you.

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