Back To School Safety Tips
After a big summer break, it’s easy to forget even the simplest school safety rules. We consider it our job to help protect the community-and the safety of you and your children is a priority. Keep some of these tips in mind as you get back in to your school routine.
In the car. Driving smartly and proactively in school zones is one half of the school safety equation. Remember to:
1. Slow down in residential areas and school zones-and never pass a school bus. It may feel like you’re creeping along, but it’s worth it in the end.
2. Watch for kids, especially at intersections, driveways, alleys and designated drop-off areas, as well as on medians and curbs.
Never block a crosswalk when waiting to make a turn or at a stoplight.
3. Reduce distractions inside the car. Put your phone out of reach so you won’t be tempted to talk or text in school zones.
On the road. When your kids are walking to school or are on school grounds, remind them about the importance of being alert and cautious:
1. Kids should be at least 10 years old before crossing the street alone. Make sure young children are with an adult or responsible adolescent.
2. Walk on the sidewalk or against traffic if no sidewalk is available. Cross the street only at corners or intersections, using crosswalks and traffic signals and looking both ways first. Consider taking your children for a few practice walks before school starts.
3. Always walk 10 feet (or 10 giant kid steps) in front of a bus where the driver can see you. And never stop and bend down to tie a shoe, for example, below the driver’s line of sight.
4. Remind kids about “stranger danger.” Set rules for traveling to and from school, such as never accepting a ride from someone you don’t know.
Back-to-school time is always busy and exciting, but make sure you take a little time to review proper safety rules with your children. It’s a simple step that can make a big difference in the safety of our whole community.