Jury Delivers the Verdict in Johnson Johnson/ Ethicon TVM Trial
After 31 days of trial, a New Jersey jury yesterday handed down an $11.1 million verdict in the case of Linda Gross v. Ethicon. Ethicon is a Johnson & Johnson company, and at issue here were the damages that Linda Gross suffered from the Ethicon Prolift trans-vaginal mesh. The jury awarded $3.35 million in compensatory damages, and $7.76 in punitive damages. The original $3.35 million verdict, pointed out plaintiffs’ attorney David Mazie, was equal to just 45 minutes of Johnson & Johnson’s annual advertising budget.
A Johnson & Johnson/ Ethicon spokesperson announced that they would appeal both the compensatory and punitive awards. There are currently over 2,000 Ethicon cases filed in the New Jersey Court before the same judge who presided over this case, Judge Carol Higbee. There are almost 4,000 more Ethicon claims consolidated in the Southern District of West Virginia, and there are over 11,000 claims currently filed in various courts against other trans vaginal mesh manufacturers.
This was a great victory for the plaintiff, and a step in the right direction for women everywhere who have been suffering the horrible complications that are caused by polypropylene trans-vaginal mesh products. Colling Gilbert Wright are handling trans-vaginal mesh claims against several different manufacturers, including Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon unit. If you or a loved one had a trans-vaginal mesh product to correct pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence, and are having complications from that procedure, call us today for a free evaluation of your potential legal claims.