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Why You Need To Protect Yourself From An Orlando Truck Accident

Why You Need To Protect Yourself From An Orlando Truck Accident

With all the recent attention the Tracy Morgan truck accident received, now is a great time to discuss why you need to protect yourself from an Orlando truck accident. Vehicle accidents, of all types are a regular occurrence, and once you know the facts about protecting yourself – it’s up to you to simply practice safe driving techniques and mindful road safety.

Accident Rates

According to our National HIghway Traffic Safety Administration, there will be someone somewhere in the United States involved in a driving accident every 10 seconds. The accident may be due to truck, motorcycle, or automobile collision and lack of driver attention. In 2010 alone, the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles reported that there were over 235,000 auto accidents; including nearly 2,500 fatalities. With these statistics being commonplace, it only makes sense that you need to protect yourself.

What You Can Do

The first step in preventing any kind of road accident is to practice safe driving techniques. There are times, however, when no matter how safely you are driving, an accident occurs. In those cases, take the following steps right away:

1)     Pull over to a safe place

2)     Call the police to inform them

3)     Get the necessary information from both the scene and the other driver

4)     Contact your insurance carrier and a reliable attorney

By practicing defensive driving, getting the right details from all parties involved with an accident, and then learning about your options with our Orlando truck accident lawyers, you can be assured that your safety and financial obligations will be taken care of.

The personal injury attorneys at the Florida firm are here to assist you with your personal injury claims in the Orlando, FL area. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a motorcycle or automobile accident, or have any questions regarding who may be responsible for your medical expenses as a result of injury, please contact Colling Gilbert Wright. Call (407) 712-7300 for your initial consultation.

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