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How to Report a Nursing Home in Florida | Colling Gilbert Wright

How Do I Report a Nursing Home to the State of Florida?

Both the residents of nursing homes and their families may need to report the facility for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately, while nursing homes are supposed to provide safe and caring living environments for aging seniors, neglect, abuse, and fraud are all common in the nursing home setting.

If you need to report a nursing home, there are two primary options in the State of Florida. The option you need to choose depends on your reasons for reporting the nursing home to the authorities.

While you can report the nursing home on your own, Colling Gilbert Wright can file the report for you and discuss your legal options for recovering financial compensation. Contact a nursing home abuse lawyer today to get started.

Reporting a Nursing Home for Medicaid Fraud

In order to report a nursing home for Medicaid fraud, you must contact the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). You can file a report online or call the Florida AHCA at (888) 419-3456.

When you file your report, you will need to provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • The name of the nursing home
  • The nursing home’s Medicaid ID number
  • The date(s) on which you or your loved one received care at the nursing home
  • The amount of money involved (an estimate is fine)
  • An explanation of why you have concerns about Medicaid fraud

If a nursing home has committed Medicaid fraud, there is a good chance that it has also engaged in other fraudulent acts. For example, in addition to overbilling Medicare, nursing homes will often overbill their residents as well.

As a result, residents and loved ones who have concerns about possible billing fraud should carefully review their contracts, invoices, and account statements. They should also consult with a nursing home abuse attorney if they have any concerns. 

Reporting a Nursing Home for Neglect or Abuse

If you have concerns about nursing home neglect or abuse, you will want to file a report with the Florida Department of Health (DOH) promptly. You can file a complaint online using the Florida Health Care Complaint Portal. The Florida DOH does not accept complaints about nursing home neglect and abuse over the phone. The Florida DOH guarantees the confidentiality of patient identities and patient records.

It can take time for the Florida DOH to investigate allegations of nursing home neglect or abuse. In many cases, however, residents do not have time to wait.

As a result, in addition to submitting a report through the Florida Health Care Complaint Portal, we strongly recommend that residents and their families also consult with a lawyer promptly. If you or your loved one needs medical care or needs to be extricated from an unsafe nursing home, our attorneys can help. We can take action immediately if necessary.

When Should You Report a Nursing Home?

Many people aren’t sure when it is time to report a nursing home. Residents and loved ones often give nursing homes the benefit of the doubt, and nursing home administrators and caregivers will often attempt to hide evidence of fraud, neglect, and abuse.

If you have any concerns, you should seek help. There is a good chance that your concerns are valid, and it is extremely unlikely that any ongoing issues will end on their own. Abuse, neglect, and fraud are pervasive in many Florida nursing homes, and far too many residents suffer needlessly when they and/or their loved ones could speak up and get help.

The following are all examples of issues that justify reporting a nursing home and consulting with an attorney about your (or your loved one’s) legal rights:

  • Unexplained physical injuries
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Unwanted physical contact of any kind
  • Verbal or psychological abuse
  • Excessive bills or unauthorized charges
  • Missing cash, checks, credit cards, or items of personal property
  • Bedsores or other evidence of neglect
  • Periods of isolation or elopement
  • Inability to communicate with friends or family members
  • Inadequate access to medications or failure to administer medications
  • Inadequate access to the restroom or basic hygienic care

Speak with a Florida Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Confidence

Although multiple state agencies handle reports against nursing homes in Florida, government investigators are not committed to your individual rights and interests. Hiring an experienced lawyer is essential for keeping yourself and/or your loved one safe and identifying your options for holding the nursing home accountable.

Few law firms in Florida have more experience with nursing home negligence claims than Colling Gilbert Wright. Our nursing home abuse attorneys have the knowledge and resources to investigate your case thoroughly and the tenacity to pursue the full compensation you and your family deserve.

Please call (407) 712-7300 today for a FREE case evaluation with Colling Gilbert Wright. Our nursing home abuse lawyers serve clients in Orlando, Tampa, Miami, and throughout Florida.

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