Alligator Attacks: A Growing Concern at Disney
The tragic death of a two-year-old boy at Disney World’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa on Wednesday sparked an already growing concern over alligator attacks in Florida. The body of the boy was found Wednesday morning after he was dragged into the water Tuesday night by an alligator. Disney World has alligators all around its property due to the number of lakes and connecting canals throughout the property. While alligator attacks can be unpredictable in Florida and are rare, one custodian had already recently warned resort managers about the dangers of allowing children close to the water at the Grand Florida Resort’s man made beach.
Alligators are nearly impossible to spot before they attack. They usually clamp their jaws onto their prey in shallow water and then drown their victims. Alligators rarely attack humans, but this recent death shows just how dangerous these predators can be.
Visitors to Florida and tourists often don’t realize the dangers their children are exposed to when they play near the shallow edges of natural bodies of water, particularly when the areas have been designated and modified for recreational use. ‘No swimming’ signs don’t always offer adequate warning for patrons.
To avoid a wrongful death more extensive precautionary measures may be needed to protect consumers from the prevalent and increasing alligator population in Florida at hotels, resorts and recreational areas. Whether the solution is to fence off the more dangerous areas, posting alligator warning signs, or conducting hunts or humane removal by wildlife specialists, many homeowners’ associations and others responsible for property management in Florida regularly take action to make visitors to their property safe. Disney must decide how to prevent any further incidents.
This tragedy has not been lost on our attorneys in Orlando, and our hearts go out to the boy’s family. The wrongful death of a loved one, especially such a young child, is a devastating experience. No parent should have to live through the loss of a child.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence of a property owner such as Disney, please contact Colling Gilbert Wright in Orlando today at (407) 712-7300 to schedule your free consultation. Our wrongful death lawyers serve all of Florida and nationwide.