May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
May is recognized as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administation. In Spring, motorcycle enthusiasts take to the highways to enjoy their favorite pastime–riding! To remind bikers and other motorists to stay safe, the NHTSA established May as Motorcycle Awareness Month each year. Two of the most important safety concerns for motorcyclists are making sure other motorists share the road and stopping drunk riding. People driving less vulnerable cars and trucks are unfortunately not always mindful that motorcyclists are on the roads this time of year in large numbers. Often motorists fail to see motorcycles approaching intersections or elsewhere on the highways. When you are on the highways and streets, look twice for motorcycles. Be aware of motorcycles as much as you are ware of other motorists. Put down that cell phone. Turn off that radio. Look and listen for bikers. They are rightfully on the roads, too, and they are much more vulnerable to injuries from accidents. Share the road with motorcyclists. As for you bikers, above all else, ride sober. According to traffic statistics, a large percentage of motorcyclists involved in fatal accidents were intoxicated. Riding a motorcycle is no different from driving a care when it comes to drunk driving. Don’t do it. Ride sober.
Injured in a motorcycle accident? Call us for free advice about your legal rights.