Soup Leaves 3 California Nursing Home Residents Dead
Our firm has represented numerous nursing home cases over the years. We have won substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients, and we continue to dedicate ourselves to fighting for the rights of the senior citizens of Florida. Some of the cases we have represented involve injury or death caused by avoidable pressure ulcers, strangulation by bed-rails, dehydration, abuse by staff members, and many other unique circumstances that fell below the accepted standards of nursing care. After all the years we’ve spent reviewing thousands of potential nursing home claims, it is sometimes tempting to think we have “seen it all before”. Whenever we begin to fall for that illusion, news like this comes along:
Three residents of a senior care facility in Loomis, California died recently after eating mushroom soup made by a member of the nursing home staff. The staff member, who seems to have been an enthusiast of recent “farm-to-table” dining trends, prepared a soup from wild mushrooms gathered in the backyard of the nursing home. Tragically, the mushrooms were of the poisonous variety, and three residents of the facility died as a result. The caretaker who foraged the mushrooms and made the soup also became seriously ill from the toxic mushrooms, but survived. Colling Gilbert Wright recommend that no one pick or eat wild mushrooms without the assistance of a trained expert. Some varieties of edible mushrooms are almost indistinguishable from deadly poisonous mushrooms, to the untrained eye.
Our prayers and condolences go out to the families affected by this tragedy in California. If you or a loved one were seriously injured, or died as a result of nursing home negligence or abuse, contact us immediately for a free consultation.