We Remember The Heroes of 9-11
On the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001, we would like to join you in remembering and honoring the heroes of 9-11 and its aftermath. The first heroes were the first responders, the New York City firefighters and policemen who fearlessly entered the burning World Trade Center Towers to rescue countless citizens and who sacrificed their own lives attempting to rescue several thousand more. Then came the cleanup crews who sacrificed their own health working in poor conditions to meticulously recover and identify the dead and clean up the rubble while sifting through each and every piece for evidence for military and law enforcement use in identifying those responsible. Finally, we honor the military personnel who gave their lives in a decade long pursuit of a reckoning that ended just this past year with the death of the tyrant who led his cowards to attack innocent civilians on U.S. soil, repeatedly and savagely.
This weekend, join us at Colling Gilbert Wright in remembering and honoring those who sacrificed on 9-11-01 and for the ten years thereafter, that we might remain that free nation that is and always will be the envy of the world.