Verdicts & Settlements Secured for Our Clients
Money isn’t everything. It can’t fix everything. It can’t turn back time to before your injury. It can’t bring back a loved one. But just compensation in a settlement or verdict can relieve your financial difficulties following an accident. It can secure justice, ensuring the wrongdoers are held accountable for their devastating actions. It can help your quality of life if your injuries have left you disabled. It can afford you the assistance you need physically and emotionally to cope with the ramifications of what happened. It can aid you as you strive to get back to the life you led before the tragic accident.
That is our goal—to help you find some modicum of peace after suffering such terrible losses. That is what these verdicts and settlements mean to us. In each instance, we have helped a client get that much closer to feeling whole again. Though these dollars are drops in the bucket of their grief, we hope they accumulate, relieving their pain.
We find ourselves constantly inspired by the courage and humanity we see in our clients. Bringing their cases through to a successful conclusion and walking beside them every step of the way—that is how we show our gratitude.
The following verdicts and settlements are examples of Colling Gilbert Wright’s commitment to our clients.
Medical Malpractice : Failure to timely diagnose and treat stroke resulting in permanent partial paralysis.
Nursing Home Neglect – bedsores causing death.
Premises Liability : college student attacked by landlord’s employee.
Nursing Home Neglect : for the widow of a nursing home resident who developed severe bedsores and died.
Wrongful Death Medical Malpractice : Failure to timely diagnose and treat intra-abdominal bleed.
Wrongful Death Medical Malpractice : Improper injection of opaque dye into intrathecal pump.
Nursing Home Neglect – bedsores, infections causing sepsis and death.
Wrongful Death Medical Malpractice – Improperly performed rotational atherectomy, percutaneous cardiac procedure.
Medical Malpractice – Excessive force used during vacuum delivery resulting in avulsion and brachial plexus injury to newborn.
Medical Malpractice : Failure to timely drain empyema and failure to properly treat with antibiotics resulting in septic shock.