December Is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
December is the perfect time to be reminded of the dangers of drinking and driving. With all the holiday festivities and parties, the temptations to drink and drive is great. You go to a Christmas party, have a few drinks, and you think it is just too inconvenient to call a cab. You can drive, right? No, you can’t. To remind you of the dangers of drunk driving, the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have joined to observe December as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month.
According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System data from 2010, one third of drivers killed in accidents with known drug test results, tested positive for drug use. In addition, while overall fatalities in motor vehicle crashes have declined, fatal crashes involving drug use have increased 6% over the last 6 years. Don’t drink and drive and don’t do drugs. Your life depends upon it.